So I have fast forwarded back into the 21st century. It was a rough week. I hope this stupid computer doesn't break again. It's only 2 months out of warranty. As my dad would say, "That's the story of my life."
Anyway, moving on. On June 2, I have been here three months. It's hard to believe I'm already 1/3 of the way into my year here. Some days I feel like I just got here, and other days it feels like I have been here forever.
I had an incredible weekend in a small town of Sokcho on the far Northeast corner of the country. It is still much bigger than Yuma but you can walk out in front of cars and they stop for you. There were a total of 7 of us that went and we drew quite a few stares from the locals.
It was one of the fellow teachers birthday's and her birthday wish was for us to all dress in "jorts" (jean shorts) and anything ridiculous we had. I don't any ridiculous clothes but the other teachers really went to town. Their outfits were amazing.
We left Seoul Friday night. We made it on the last bus which left at 11:00 pm. We made it to the bus station at 8:30 so we had some time to kill. We decided to play card games outside the station. We drew large crowds of Koreans who were trying to figure out what we were doing. Koreans love betting so if they would have spoke English I think they would have joined us.
We arrived in Sokcho at 2 am and headed to this awesome bar. It feels like you're some place really tropical. It's very relaxed and you can request music. The birthday girl's favorite song is "We Built This City" by Jefferson Starship. One guy made us all tank tops that had "We Built This City" printed on the front. We sang and danced to this song to pretty early in the morning.
We ended up at a Noraebang (Korean Karaoke bar) and started singing our hearts out. We tried to get out own room so we wouldn't subject the Koreans to our horrible singing and English songs but they kept telling us we couldn't have one. We ended up clearing the bar and seeing the sunrise from the Noraebang. We finally made it home at 6:30 am.
Since our late (early) night, we didn't start our day until around 1 pm on Saturday. There was a big beach party that had been organized by the expats who live in Sokcho. The weather was cool, and gray so we didn't head to the beach until later in the night. We couldn't find a cab to take us. My suggestion was we stop one of the Koreans who was driving an empty truck or van to take us. This guy Joe ran after this van and was screaming, "Take us to the beach-y!" The Koreans were scared to death and couldn't get away from us quick enough. So we hopped on the bus to see if we would end up at the beach.
On the bus, J brought out his guitar and we had an improv sing along. We scared the Koreans again. My favorite moment was this Korean girl who had her head out of the window talking on her cell phone to try to avoid us.
We ended up at the beach where the was a camp fire, fireworks and lots of ex-pats. I met people from all over the world and had a blast. I went swimming in the ocean. They water was really choppy but I had a blast.
We were getting cold so we went back to the amazing bar and danced some more. Around 4 am, we decided to head back to the beach where we watched the sun come up and met some more people. Once again, we made it home around 6:30.
Sunday we started our day at a great Italian restaurant playing card games. We moved to "Miller Time" and continued on endeavor.
We almost missed the last bus to Seoul. It left at 10:05 and we made it to the bus station at 10:00. We were really lucky.
All in all, it was an amazing weekend!